Tracker Info |
Mek-Tracker |
Users: | 3000 |
torrent(s): | 297 |
seed(s): | 721 |
leecher(s): | 5 |
peer(s): | 726 |
seed(s)/leecher(s): | 14,420% |
Traffic: | 15.56 TB |
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Title: thanks
I really appreciate the effort hackers put into hacking a free service, all i wish for them is to spend all the income they could get by hacking this tracker on medicine, i restored all now, next time we might simply publish all his information, also send all the police and other possibly not loved by him ppl to him!
For the users, hope you still enjoy this free service!
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Title: Köszönet
Ezúton is szeretném megköszönni annak a lelkes kis közösségnek, akik aktívan seedelnek, hogy szinte folyamatos elérhetőséget biztosítotok minden anyagnak.
Új szavazást helyeztem el, várom a véleményetek.
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Poll: Támogatnál-e egy ilyen oldalt? |
Igen. | (92) |  | (76%) | Nem. | (16) |  | (13%) | Nem, inkább hirdetnék rajta. | (12) |  | (10%) |
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